—Leiden Shorts, the Netherlands – moderator of the Industry Program: panels Panel: We Need To Talk About…the Right to Be Political, Navigating the Festival World: Finding Your Voice in the Circuit, What can the film industry learn from the commons? And a host of a workshop Introduction to the Short Film Ecosystem – Festivals, Markets & Industry Tips.
—Go Short International Short Film Festival, the Netherlands – moderator of a masterclass for festivals and events – Conducting a Code
—Short Film Lab, Argentina – participant of a short pitch session
—Docs Against Gravity, Poland – pitch expert & moderator at Short Pitch in Warsaw organized by Institute of Documentary Film, Czechia
—Cannes Film Festival – keynote speech Short Film Ecosystem at Cinéma de Demain, SFC | RENDEZ-VOUS INDUSTRY 2023, France
—Dokufest International Documentary and Short Film Festival – co-host of a masterclass (with Mathieu Janssen) Navigating the Short Film Circuit, Kosovo
—Talents and Short Film Market, Italy – moderator of panels Where did all the buyers go? and Short film critics: a new hope?
—Lublin Film Festival, Poland – moderator of Lublin Media Meetings: Cultural Tourism – practices, challenges and perspectives
—Symposium Programmers of the Future, EYE Film Museum – keynote talk about programming practice at This Is Short platform, the Netherlands
—Glasgow Short Film Festival, Scotland – industry talk moderator – Life After Festivals
—Go Short International Short Film Festival, industry program moderator (Go Ahed, First Impressions, Long Life Filmmaking), the Netherlands
—Institute of Documentary Film – concept and moderation of two industry panels at East Silver Market, Jihlava Documentary Festival (Who is who in docu shorts), Czechia
—SODEC – participant of the online programmers&filmmakers meeting at SODEC_LAB @Clermont Ferrand, Canada
—International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino!, moderator on young jury of European Film Award, Poland
—Go Short International Short Film Festival, the Netherlands, moderator Solidarity: Generations – Roundtable talks
—Kortfilmfestival Grimstad, speaker at Festival Roundtable on Covid-19 impact, Norway
—Filmfest Dresden, speaker at a panel – Curating as Political Act, Germany
—Encounters Short Film Festival, the UK, participant of a panel The Future of European Festivals
—Filmfest Cottbus – speaker at a panel The New Horizons of Polish Cinema, Germany
—Torino Short Film Market, Italy – moderator of a panel Festivals of the Present, Festivals of the Future
—Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, moderator of a panel The Future of Shorts III: The Path to a Greener Festival, Switzerland
—Animator PRO & Short Film Conference, panelist at The New Normal: Hybrid Audiences, Poland
—Sarajevo Film Festival, industry program, panelist at Shorts in the Time of Corona: an Opportunity or a Setback?, Serbia
—Vienna Shorts, industry program, panelist at Infinity And Beyond – Curating Films For An Online Audience, Austria
—International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino!, moderator on young jury of European Film Award, Poland
—Go Short International Short Film Festival, panelist on feedback panel
—Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, Switzerland, Ewa Puszczyńska’s masterclass moderator and Q&A host
—Torino Short Film Market, participant of Pitch Your Festival! session